50 Years Of Everyday Fashion...
1) What is in fashion in the 1940s?
-"Stortages of leather and petrol rationing meant that thick cork wedge and sturdy shoes were the most practical so we could walk in comfort".
2) What jobs did the women do in the year 1940s?
-"It became much more the norm to wear trousers as your clothes had to be practical is you were working in a factory or on a farm".
3) How did the war effect fashion?
-"As war shortages bit harder, decorationg our clothes with unnecessary pleats, buttons, bows, belts, extra pockets, fancy stitching and embroidery was deemed an unpatriotic act and eventually made illegal".
4) What Is Rationing?
-"I fear that unless suppies are increased or the distribution of existing supplies is equalized (which mean rationing)".
-The name of the magazine were i got all the information is "50Years Of Everyday Fashion"
Make Do And Mend...
Make-Make something new.
Do-Make do with it.
Mend-Repair it.
-Turn into something new.
Fashion in The 1940s....
-In the year 1940s there was the world war in the time. And this was were all the men were at the war and the government had to spend the money on to there clothing for the army...so the women started to work in a factory for example "It became much more the norm to wear trousers as your clothes had to be practical is you were working in a factory or on a farm". In this quote it shows that all the jobs that were for the men the women had to do, due to the fact the they was in the war. In the factory the women had to get either there own clothes or they husband old trousers and they used some of the trousers and cut them own and use them into some parts of the dress. They would also make accsesories for the women such as hats and gloves out of the material that they would have left."The government ran classes in how to turn old curtains, furnishing fabrics, men`s trousers, evan pillowcases and sheets into wearable dresses, skirts and blouses". In this quote it shows us that the women had to wear ther clothes for quite a while and after wearing them for a while they would make do and mend, This means they would change the dresses such as the design, patterns, style. In the magazine 50 years of everyday fashion it shows that "Sixty-five years ago it was what we did to ensure our families looked respectable and kept families warm" This means that they used to make sure that the men and women used to keep warm for example if it was cold, It also says that they would make them dress respectfully this means that they would wear long dresses to keep covered and not show of to much of their body parts.
My Opinion...
- The fashion in the 1940s i liked the way the women would work in the factory because if the mens would do it the women would stay home so this was like abit of an excuse for the women to work. I liked the way the women would design the old clothes and turn them into new clothes which would make them last longer.
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