Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Tutor Feedback

1) Add all the photographs of your toiles to your blog, put next to them pictures of textile samples that match, illustrations that you did you toile based on and a image of the initial research. 
2) Annotate where you got the idea for your toile from, does it work and how you may develop it. 

Friday, 14 March 2014

Tutor Feedback 14/03/2014

Well done Zainab your illustrations all match and show a coherent look across your collection.  Sample now with your designs, be more experimental, make your designs bigger and cut sections out.  You need to keep up with your weekly diary if you want higher then a pass!!!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

New Look Trend...

Where Can I Information About Fashion Trend Predictions ?

- You can find information from the online shope for example :
Marks & Spensers
WSGN Website

New Look: Website


Bohoo: Website


Asos: Website


Marks & Spencers: Website


WSGN: Website


-These are a few websites that i think you can find information about fashion trend predications.





Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Mueseum Research..

 -I like this image because of the way patterns has been used when I look at this image the idea I get is that I can use the same patterns in a braclet or even a necklace. This is a bow of a bow an arrow which is used for hunting.
 -I like this image because of the patterns as the make the inage itself look quite good, I like the way the colours have contrasted together with the patterns. The idea that I get when i look at this image is that I can either use this in to an outfit.
 -In this image i like the colours they have used when you look at this it makes you feel calm, However I also like the way they have used suttle soft, solid, bold colour which do go quite well with the patterns.
 -This is one of my favourite pieces that I have seen in the Mueseum, Because I like the colours and fabrics that have been used into this collage. The idea I get when I look at this is that you could make a head piece or even a braclet.
 - I like this pattern because it isn't to busy aswell the colour aint to bright it goes with design quite well, i would use this as a print into one of my designs.

Global Threads Brief..


Circus Cabaret Project (Powerpoint)